Family Lifestyle

Family Lifestyle

Make Your Grooming a Priority Even in Quarantine

Many people are now working from home due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Several companies allowed their employees to work remotely to protect themselves against the virus and prevent it from spreading further. Data from the Pew Research Center show 71 percent of employed adults are currently working from home. Working remotely benefits many employees. You don’t have

Make Your Grooming a Priority Even in Quarantine Read More »

man grooming

Men, If You’re Not Seeing Your Dentist Yet, These Reasons Might Finally Convince You

Depending on whose guidelines you’re reading, you need to visit your dentist at least once a year. However, in the United States, men do that less often than women. According to Statista, about 72% visited a dental clinic in 2018—almost 6 percentage points higher than men. And the trend hadn’t really changed since 1997. If

Men, If You’re Not Seeing Your Dentist Yet, These Reasons Might Finally Convince You Read More »

man at dentists

Diet Plans Through History: The Strange Evolution of the Diet Culture

Diet dreams and weight-loss fads are almost everywhere, from commercial TV ads, billboards, magazine covers, and celebrities parading their hot bodies on social media. In a study by Boston Medical Center, around 45 million Americans spend over $33 billion annually on weight-loss products. Despite these figures, two-thirds of Americans suffer from obesity, a chronic disease that requires

Diet Plans Through History: The Strange Evolution of the Diet Culture Read More »

preparing food

Harnessing the Healing Power of Sports: 4 Things You Need to Know

There’s no denying the impact of physical activity on our health and wellness. Not only does it contribute to our physical health, but it also enriches our lives. Many people derive purpose from sports and other activities, and they have provided billions of people with fun and meaning. We’ve extolled these virtues time and again,

Harnessing the Healing Power of Sports: 4 Things You Need to Know Read More »

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