Family Lifestyle

Family Lifestyle

What You Should Know About Hyperextension of the Knee

Knee hyperextension happens when your leg bends excessively at your knee joint, which places stress on your knee and the surrounding structures. While this can happen to anyone, it is more widespread among sports enthusiasts and athletes, particularly those who play soccer, football, lacrosse, or skiing. Forces generated when the knee stops moving very abruptly […]

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Runner leg and muscle pain

Do You Know About These Uncommon Triggers of Atrial Fibrillation?

From its symptoms to its triggers, AFib or atrial fibrillation could be unpredictable. Much like how a person can have AFib without showing any symptoms, a person can also experience an attack without a known trigger. Address this by keeping your body weight in a healthy range, eating healthy foods, exercising regularly, and getting restful

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heart pain

Free and Secure: How You Can Get Health Insurance Plan as a Freelancer

More and more Americans are freelancing now, according to UpWork’s 2018 “Freelancing in America” study. More than 56.7 million workers are self-employed, a 3.7 million increase since 2014. The researchers attribute this to a more convenient Internet environment; after all, 64 percent of freelancers work online. Job portals and online banking have made it easier for

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Insurance agent explaining insurance products

Why Regular Trips to the Dentist are Best for Children

Going to the dentist has never been enjoyable, especially for children. In fact, a trip to the dentist is more likely to conjure up terrifying images in their minds. However, regular visits to the dentist are incredibly important for their long-term dental health. Ironically, this can also help mitigate their fears about the dentist. Today,

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cleaning teeth

Taking Care of Your Skin During the Music Festival Season

It’s that time of the year when countless music festivals take place throughout the country: from Boomtown Fair in Winchester to the famous Fusion Festival in Liverpool, the UK hosts over 75 music festivals in August alone. These events involve staying out in the elements all day, squishing into large crowds, dancing and sweating with

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Open Air concert

What You Should Know About Surgical Treatments

If you’re a surgeon and you need a non-stick instrument in your surgical operations, disposable Adson bipolar forceps are the ideal choice. Improper medical device sterilization puts patients at risk for spreading life-threatening infections in your medical facility due to cross-contamination. This could lead to a judicial proceeding because it’s a form of medical negligence.   If

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Surgical procedure
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