Caring for Your Heart: What Triggers Heart Disease?


Heart disease is among the most fatal health condition in the world. Based on the data from Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, one in every four deaths in a year is due to heart disease. What’s even more worrisome is, it can happen to anyone, no matter what age or gender the patient is.

As alarming as heart disease may seem, people can do something to reduce its risk and prevent it from happening. All it takes is knowing what can contribute to its buildup. To learn more about its risk factors, here’s what you need to know.

Lack of Physical Activity
Having a sedentary or inactive lifestyle can double the risk of cardiovascular disease. Lazing around too much is bad for the heart. This is because it affects the blood’s circulation as well as the body’s function. A doctor who specializes in cardiology in Heber recommend 30 to 60 minutes of physical activity three to four times a week. This improves your breathing as well as strengthens your heart.

In case you’re experiencing a condition which limits your movements, it’s best to consult a therapist. This is so they could guide you accordingly on which activities are safe for you to do.

Smoking and Drinking

Drinking and smoking can bring serious risk to one’s health. Along with pulmonary disease, these may trigger cardiovascular diseases (CVDs). The chemicals you inhale from tobacco can cause cancer and damage the person’s airways. In addition, both alcohol and nicotine cause the blood vessels in the body to constrict. As a result, the heart may need to work harder to ensure that blood will circulate throughout the body. This continuous restriction in the blood flow pushes blood pressure up, stressing the heart further and possibly resulting in serious complications.

Obesity or Excessive Fat

fat person

Being overweight is another risk factor to watch out for. Obesity has been medically linked to various conditions including stroke and CVD. When the fat in the body continues to accumulate, this can block blood flow. As a result, the body will suffer from lack of oxygen and occlusion of the arteries. When these fatty deposits clog your arteries, it can lead to coronary heart diseases. Angina and atherosclerosis are some of the other conditions you may suffer from.

Stress and Anger

Stress and anger may increase the heart rate and stress it unnecessarily. In addition, this may lead to continuous production of cortisol and adrenaline. Overproduction of these hormone weakens the heart because they force it to pump blood faster. This can become a serious threat to your overall health. When not treated immediately, a person may suffer from stroke or heart attack. This is why it’s important to have this treated immediately.

A person’s lifestyle can have a huge impact on the condition of their heart. Having a sedentary or inactive type of living can increase the risk of CVDs. Along with that, it’s important that people follow a healthy and well-balanced diet. Watch what you eat and stay away from fatty and unhealthy food choices. Maintain the ideal weight based on your body mass index. Be sure to remember these things to have a healthy and happy heart. Lastly, always consult your doctor to monitor its condition.

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