Always on the Rush? Here’s How to Beat Hurry Sickness


In this fast-paced world, most people find it hard to slow down and appreciate life. Some can’t ignore their daily responsibilities for a good rest, which often leads to burnout or fatigue. Others who ignore a well-deserved relaxation even end up having chronic stress that further keeps them from focusing on their priorities properly. Individuals who are constantly in a rush are often considered to have hurry sickness.

Take note that this isn’t actual mental health or medical condition. However, the constant action of racing to finish off tasks and responsibilities is not a good habit. Experts say that people with hurry sickness experience a persistent sense of urgency and chronic anxiousness, despite not needing to rush. If you have this behavioral pattern, it is recommended that you follow these tips to deal with hurry sickness:

1. Practice mindfulness

People suffering from hurry sickness often have off-balanced attention and focus on things. Mindfulness is an effective way to divert your focus on things that you value and help you stay present at all times. Whether it’s deep breathing exercises or meditation, such practices can help eliminate the pressure and stress in your daily life. When you’re mindful or aware of your schedule and responsibilities, you’re more likely to perform better. Keep in mind though that it takes practice to learn mindfulness.

2. Set a new routine

a person being counselled

One way to create healthy habits is to set a new morning or evening routine. Disorganized tasks and schedules can create pressure and stress, making it harder for you to accomplish everything. Think about what needs to be in the new routine. Do you want to have more time for your hobbies or get more alone time? Are you looking to work out regularly or take more vacations with loved ones? To make your goals easier to tackle, break them into smaller goals and layout a plan or put them in your calendar. You’d also want to find ways to make it fun so it’ll be easier for you to stick to the new routine. Lastly, don’t forget to track your progress and reward yourself on the way.

3. Maintain your car

Owning a car that isn’t well-maintained cannot only cause headaches but can also delay you from finishing your tasks early. A good car is essential, especially if you’re a working professional who’s always on the go. If you’re not skilled or knowledgeable about fixing or checking a car, take it to an auto shop. Choose a shop that uses time-saving equipment such as car alignment lifts or racks. These car lifts help mechanics to check and fix car parts underneath fast and safely.

Besides such equipment, the shop should also allow advance visit booking so you can better schedule your day. Having a scheduled car inspection eliminates the need to rush off your other tasks just to find time to visit the auto shop. After getting your car serviced, avoid driving faster than the speed limit. Take extra minutes to prepare yourself and drive calmly.

4. Put down your phone

If having a well-maintained car can reduce your daily stress, your phone can worsen it. Not using your smartphones the right way can bring more pressure and distraction to you. The things you see on social media or read on the Internet can make you feel pressured on achieving more things in a short time.

On the other hand, you can waste too much time scrolling through your phone. Limiting your phone use may not totally stop your hurry sickness but it can give you more time to focus on things that are truly valuable. You can spend time with your family, engage with your hobbies, or just take complete rest and do nothing.

5. Seek support

Changing a behavioral pattern or a habit is challenging, especially if you’re doing it alone. Having a support system that can make the journey easier for you. Find and spend time with people who can help you engage in healthier habits and choices. It can be your family, friends, or a workmate. Creating a good support base can make you accountable for dealing with hurry sickness. If a personal support system still doesn’t work, it’s best to seek professional help instead.

Treating everything like a race and trying to do multiple tasks at a time can only exhaust your mind and body even more. Dwelling on this type of behavioral pattern can impact your overall health and well-being. Learn to let go of what you cannot do and allot time for a complete R&R because your mind and body need them to.

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