Questions to ask yourself before facial injectable procedures


The non-surgical aesthetics market is big business, and business is booming more than ever. The Royal Society for Public Health places the facial injectables industry, including treatments such as Profhilo Kent at £2.75 billion in the UK.

In fact, opting for non-surgical cosmetic procedures is now considered the new normal, with many seeing facial injectable procedures as normal as getting a manicure – it is just another aspect of good grooming.

But while no one may bat an eye at the thought of undergoing a facial injectable procedure, there are still a few important considerations that need to be factored in before going ahead with one. You must ask yourself a few pertinent questions before deciding whether a facial injectable treatment is right for you.

What is your experience in the procedure I’m looking for?

With the atmospheric rise in demand for non-surgical cosmetic procedures, there has been a corresponding rise in practitioners carrying out these procedures. A sad fact is that there are a number of these practitioners offering these procedures without having the relevant skills, training and ethical code of practice required to offer safe and quality treatments.

The right level of experience a practitioner has and the more likely it will be that you will benefit from a positive patient experience. Real-world experience will help a practitioner assess a patient’s needs correctly and tailor suitable treatment plans that will ensure patients meet their needs and achieve their aesthetic goals.

What are your credentials to carry out facial injectable procedures?

Credentials go beyond training, qualifications and skills. You must factor in accreditation as well. Industry watchdogs such as Save Face are clear – great aesthetic outcomes are heavily dependent on an aesthetics clinic that is passionate about patient care and adheres to high standards of practice. Aesthetics clinics that embody these two non-negotiables are almost always accredited by an authority body, so it is essential that you look out for these accreditations.

What are the potential complications I can expect?

Patients are mostly concerned with the results they can hope to expect, so ask questions relating to the benefits of a procedure. The smart move is to also ask about any negative consequences that may arise.

Nobody wants to have an adverse reaction following an aesthetic procedure, but it is advisable to know what to look out for and what to do should an unfortunate reaction happen. Often it is quick thinking and quick action that can minimise the effects of side effects. With fillers, there is a range of complications and negative consequences that can arise from infections to bleeding, bruising and blocked blood vessels.

Facial injectable procedures can be effectively used to address a growing number of anti-ageing and skin concerns. To benefit from these procedures, they need to be carried out with the utmost concern for safe practice methods. As not all brand products or aesthetics practitioners are considered equal, it pays to do your research and choose the best treatment plan and aesthetics clinic to give you a superior patient experience and long-lasting quality results.

Teeth that are not straight can really drag a person down.  They can cause them to feel a distinct lack of confidence when it comes to their appearance, and this can influence many parts of their life.  Invisalign Dublin is the solution to these issues for many people.  This guide explores the treatment, answering some of the questions that many prospective patients have before they decide to go ahead.

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign Dublin is a type of orthodontic treatment that is unlike the usual metal braces that are often considered typical of teeth straightening.  It is similar to a mouth guard or retainer, but a lot more subtle and difficult to spot.

Invisalign is a type of braces that is composed of two trays of transparent plastic that are worn over the teeth.  The trays, or aligners as they are known, are changed every couple of weeks until the teeth have moved into a better position.

Does it hurt?

Clear braces are known to be one of the easiest types of treatment in terms of comfort.  Some patients experience some difficulty when they first start wearing their aligners, or when they are swapped for a new set, but any discomfort usually goes away on its own within a couple of days.  Patients can take paracetamol and ibuprofen to help ease the process.

The aligners are especially comfortable because the plastic they are made from is very soft and allows for flexibility.  In addition, they are made to fit the teeth of each patient individually.  This helps to ensure that the braces are easy to wear and that they are effective at straightening the teeth.

How long does treatment take?

The length of time needed to get results from Invisalign is very much dependent on the patient and their individual needs.  However, this type of braces typically delivers results in a shorter period of time than other options.  Many patients find that they have the look they want in just a few months, rather than years.

Does the patient have to change what they eat?

One of the advantages of invisible braces is that they are removed for eating.  The result of this is that the patient can enjoy all their favourite foods as before without having to worry about any restrictions around what they can eat.

However, it is worth mentioning that eating should be confined to a total of two hours each day.  This is because the braces should be worn for around twenty-two hours daily if they are to be at their most effective.  If the patient is frequently removing their aligners for snacks throughout the day, then their treatment is unlikely to deliver the results that they were hoping for.

Do straight teeth have other benefits?

While the main reason that most people get their teeth straightened is usually for cosmetic purposes, there are benefits for your health too. Teeth that are not straight are more likely to be difficult to keep clean, and often develop a build up of plaque that can cause bad breath and even gum disease.

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